``In harmony with life and oneself``
Many people are thrown off balance by the demands of our high-performance society and other contributing factors. The targeted employment of sounds can help us regain balance.
The positive effects of sounds have been known to man for more than 5000 years. Today, we combine this ancient knowledge with the latest technology to the benefit of our mind and body.
The employment of sounds is based on the idea of Indian medicine that humans are created from sound and are thus sound themselves.
Estrangement from oneself as well as other factors can disturb this natural harmony. 5000 years ago, Far Eastern medicine already knew that through the use of sounds, body and mind can be restored to a state of harmony. Today, the Western world is discovering the positive effects of sounds and is starting to use them to the benefit of mind, body and mind.
Sleep better with sounds
Today, even conventional medicine acknowledges the positive effect sounds can have on the healing process. It is assumed that sounds can release messengers and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin as well as endorphins in the body. They can relieve physical pain and release emotional tension. Furthermore, a scientific study has shown that certain sounds can encourage the release of melatonin and thus improve sleep behavior. Other research suggests that sounds can stimulate and/or relax the nervous system.
Activating self-healing power
Sounds make the cells oscillate and thereby activate the body’s self-healing powers. They can also facilitate a deeply relaxed state, in which we can recognize and let go of fears more easily and explore new paths. After all, sounds also touch our soul. It comes to rest and readies us to listen to our inner voice. For all those and many more reasons, sounds are employed in case of several concrete indications:
Specific Indications
For all those and many more reasons, sounds are employed in case of several concrete indications.
- back complaints
- depressions
- burnout
- lack of libido
- complaints due to menopause
- fatigue
- cardiovascular diseases
- neurodermatitis
- tension
- rehabilitation
- joint- and respiratory problems
- and many more
Modern technology with integrated know-how from NASA
The SALMENTIS® vibro accoustics couch and vibro accoustics mattress contain highly innovative technolog
The SALMENTIS® vibro accoustics couch and vibro accoustics mattress contain highly innovative technology
The cushioned vibro accoustics couch does not only hold so-called body sound generators but also research findings from NASA. Their physicists have discovered two things:
Sick cells do not oscillate in harmony, and the harmony of intracellular processes can be recovered through the harmonization of interfering vibrations. This effect is what the SALMENTIS® vibro accoustics couch exploits.
Experts’ opinions on the SALMENTIS® vibro accoustics couche
Physicians and Therapists